Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hw can i remove blemishes n blackheads wid products available at home??

BAKING SODA! I know it sounds too easy, but it works! you can also use oatmeal, yogurt, vinager.

Heres my fav recipies...

For an exfoliant...dampen face with h2o. then gently rub a small handfull of baking soda on your face. GENTLY. it will exfoliate your skin and it also balances the ph levels in and on your skin. It is a natural antibiotic and will kill germs and bacteria.

For a moistuising mask.....3 table spoons plaine yogurt and 1 tabel spoon lemon juice. Mix together and spread all over your face. leave on about 15 minutes, and rince with warm water. Do this at night.

For a problem zit...or just a great drawing it all out mask....

mix up a small bowl of oldfashioned oatmeal. Plain no milk no sugar. apply to area, and let sit for about 20 minutes. rinse with warm water.

To shrink large pores....whip up 1 egg white, and apply to face. let dry completely, then rinse with warm water.

There are soo many different homemade remidies to make.

I have alway shad really bad skin and have tried everything on the market proactive, neutrogena, clearacill, everything.

I have been using baking soda for 2 weeks now and my skin is now beautiful! I love it, it is easy to do, and very cheap! About 50 cents a box. You can also use it to brush your teeth, and it really works!

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