Friday, January 8, 2010

Fastest way to get rid of blackheads?

squeeze them out!Fastest way to get rid of blackheads?
Wash your face morning and evening with facial soap; you can use something like Clearasil or Neutrogena. DON'T squeeze it; that will just make it hurt worse and spread infection. Other than washing, just leave it alone. It'll go away on its own.Fastest way to get rid of blackheads?
Avoid too much sun exposure. Use facial scrub only if you don't have irritated skin, it could help eliminate some blackheads then do a facial steaming to open up the pores. Follow it with mild astringent and moisturizer.
use a cleansing strip a few times a week. its usually cut for the nose area but you can use it too in another parts of you face.
Consistently scrub with warm washcloth.
Any mud based face mask, it will draw out the excess oil so you cant see them as much...unfortuntly theres no getting rid of them completely its just the oil flow of the skin... as you get older though, like 30's (and oil levels drop) they can often go away or get much better.
take a knife and carve them out
Visit my wife, she loves squeezing them out. But she hurts too much.
I got my daughter some proactive and honestly I thougth it would be just another tv product that wouldnt work but all her blackheads are gone and her face is clear.. in only a weeks time... that stuff is awsome.. it comes with stuff to wash away the black heads and then another thing to close the pores up so the black heads dont come back and then something to help keep the skin nice and suple....
Neutrogena advanced solutions(at home micro Dermabrasion system for face(shh I also use it for other parts of the body too). I bought it at walmart. Keep the box and recipe if it doesn't work for you or if your skin reacts to it I believe 30 days.

It is about $30.00. I use it and I use it for my husband too. It enhances surface cell turnover for visibly fresher , smoother , baby soft skin.

Tips to remove blackheads


I would advice you to try some home based remedies for skin ,hair and weight problems, this link has some good information it sure did help me so here goes,

good luck

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